Denny Klein’s feature-length Holocaust documentary film, “An Inconvenient Time: The Story of Ruth Ravina” has been winning awards at film festivals around the country. The filmmakers brought the award-winning documentary to the Montclair community in a beautiful celebration of Ruth Ravina’s inspiring life.
Montclair State alumnus Morgan Taylor ’17, who graduated Summa Cum Laude from the school’s Communication and Media program, speaks on filmmaker panel alongside director, producer, composer Denny Klein.
The event included a special musical performance, film screening, filmmaker Q&A, and cake to celebrate Ruth’s 85th birthday and raise scholarship funds for the Ruth & Oscar Ravina Talent Award.
To learn more about the award-winning film, visit
About The Film
“An Inconvenient Time” tells the odyssey through the Holocaust of Ruth Ravina, who was two years old when Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and lived through three concentration camps by the age of seven. Hers is a story of survival and triumph.
For their B’not Mitzvah project, Evie and Rebecca Klein “twinned” with Holocaust survivor Ruth Ravina to learn her story. The twins agreed to become witnesses of Ruth’s story in the year 2045, one hundred years after the end of World War II. Evie and Rebecca’s father Denny Klein saw the video tape from the twin’s first conversation with Ruth and was inspired to share Ruth’s incredible story with the world. Klein recounts, “It was like God tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘You have to do this!’”
This feature-length film contains six years of interviews and conversations between Ruth, the twins, and the filmmakers. It is a testament to the strength of the Jewish people to survive through horror and hardship. Ruth survived and built a beautiful, successful life in New Jersey.
For years, Ruth has volunteered her time to share her story in schools and synagogues. Through passing on this powerful tale, the filmmakers have ourselves become witnesses of Ruth’s story as it was told to us. As the filmmakers pass it on to the audience, the story and life lessons live on. May we never forget what happened during the Holocaust and may we all continue to share the stories as if to say, “Never again.”